Grind the coffee coarsely to a sea-salt consistency.
Measure 1,200ml of water at room temperature
Put coarse-ground coffee at the bottom of a sub, that can be lidded and stored in a fridge. Make an even bed of coffee ground, so the water saturates the coffee evenly.Pour 1,200ml of water over the coffee grounds in a slow and circular motion. Give the coffee and water slur a few stirs to make sure the coffee is well saturated.Store in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Cover the jug with a lid before storing in the refrigerator.Strain the coffee using a fine cheese cloth into the second jug. Alternatively, you can use any similar grade filter mesh instead of cheese cloth.Serve coffee in a glass over ice. Cold Brew is best served over ice.
Cold Brew Coffee
List of items
Getting started
Weigh 100gm of coffee on the weighing scale.
Grind the coffee coarsely to a sea-salt consistency.
Measure 1,200ml of water at room temperature
Make an even bed of coffee ground, so the water saturates the coffee evenly.
Give the coffee and water slur a few stirs to make sure the coffee is well saturated.
Cover the jug with a lid before storing in the refrigerator.
Alternatively, you can use any similar grade filter mesh instead of cheese cloth.
Cold Brew is best served over ice.
Cold Brew
Cold Brew
Hario Ka-Ku Cold Brew Tea Bottle – Smokey Green
Hario V60 MIZUDASHI Cold Brew Coffee Pot 14 Brown 1000ml
₨10,900Toddy Cold Brew Coffee System 2.2ℓ